Genealogy of Vytautas O. Virkau
This directory contains an
extensive collection of genealogical research
compiled by Vytautas O. Virkau near the turn of the millenium.
In includes twenty six documents examining the genealogy of nine families,
extending back almost 500 years. It includes the following families:
Armalis, Burnevičius (Burnevicius, Burniewicz), Gielgud, Jasinksis,
Oertelis (von Oertel), Landsburg, Romer, Šemeta (Semeta, Szemioth),
Sirjatavičius (Sirjatavicius, Syriatowicz). Includes memoirs
for the 19th century von Oertel family, the parition of the Šemeta
estate by Salomeja Šemetiene-Landsbergiene, and memoirs of
Vanda Virkau-Sirjatavičiute (my grandmother). Assorted notes about
various family Coat of Arms.
A large collection of family photos, extending into the 19th century,
documenting the Burniewicz, von Oertel, Landsburg and Syriatowicz
families can be found in the Genealogy
Photos directory. These are in a bit of a jumble. Much of this
has been unpacked and cross-referenced on the FamilySearch website.
Some of the nicer, older examples, indexed and labelled on the
FamilySearch website include:
- Petronelė Armalaitė
in a beautiful painted photograph from about 1900.
- The
Landsberg and Burniewicz group photo from about 1910, with all
individuals tagged, thanks to the inscription onf the back of the
photo, which has also been scanned and cross-referenced as
- The photogenic
Burniewicz family outing in 1896, where the photographer seems
to have told everyone to not look at the camera! This is taken at
Pašušvys, the family estate. I've labelled the figures that I can.
- The
Syrjatowicz family at Pašušvys, about 1912.
Róża Burniewiczowna Syrjatowiczovna as a young lady, in 1881.
This is my great grandmother.
Josefas Chludziński in 1875. My great-great grand-uncle.
Wanda & Marylė in the wheat, June 1915. This is at Krycewicze.
Perhaps the best photo in the lot.
Rufinas and Wanda Virkau in the bombed out ruins of Munich, in
1948. Dressed very spiffily and respectably.
- Jan
Oertel and the Syrjatowicz and Jakubowski family in Australia,
about 1950.
The originals, scanned and uncropped, can be found here, on this
website. They are not labelled or cross-referenced. Maybe someday ...
Additional family photos can be found at the
website. As far as I can tell, these photos are from my grandmothers
photo collection, and were transmitted to interdrzewo by my uncle. For
example, here is the
1895 Burniewicz family photo. Judging from the tear in the photo,
this is identical to the original that I have in my possession.