[Webfunds-devel] Insider Trading

Ian Grigg iang@cypherpunks.ai
Wed, 6 Sep 2000 00:22:44 -0400 (AST)

But Wait, There's More!

(than what I just posted on webfunds-users@)

If instead of downloading the publically known and politically
correct version in the open list, you instead go to:


you should get the WebFunds ++ release with Trader Wallet.

The difference is that there is a new wallet that trades
the metals on a market (codenamed LaVella).

Trader is a proprietary wallet from Systemics.  It is not
part of the WebFunds source tree, and won't be part of the
WebFunds open source project.  Which is to say that you
can use what's there, but keep it within the family until
we come up with a suitable way to distribute it.

There are these books:

       AUG - AUG
           - AGG
           - PDG
           - PTG

       gl1 - gl1

the one on the left is designated the money.  IMPORTANT
NOTE:  When you add an account for trading purposes within
the WebFunds wallet, the ==> *first* <== contract added
becomes the "money" so this must be gold (or glitter).
This is a short term kludge.

The books are all "closed" and will remain so until the
weekend.  No matter, you can post buys and sells, cancel
them, and do a status.  When I get back from my travels,
I'll open the books and start the testing on actual trades.
I just want to be there so that I can restart any crashes
in quick time, rather than have it all sit dead for weeks...

They may not last until then...  I've noticed that there
are some cases where WebFunds launches DOS attacks on the
market, which get amplified through the various stages and
eventually reflected back from the Issuer into an energy
sink within the market which finally goes nova at some
point, thus reaffirming the law of conservation of energy...
