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Author and Fellows of the Ronja

Clock has designed and built Ronja. Brain has helped with building several pieces of electronics for Ronja 115 Loopipe prototype. Brain has also helped with alignment of Ronja.

Bruno Schwander (bruno dot schwander at technologist dot com) from California is a guy who tampers with everything including electronics. He decided to participate at the development of the Ronja 10M Bithazard device. He successfully carried out several experiments with 10Mbps Ethernet, Ethernet fiber optics transceivers and laser diodes.

And of course there are people who built their prototypes and sent useful information: Pavel 'Pavouk" Ruzicka and Kvetoslav Kocek with Pavel Vesely.

You can send us questions, sugestions and comments.

Licensing information

Ronja is a free design and is published under GNU General Public License (GPL). Mainly it means you may build it yourself and do not have to pay anything anybody, just the price of the bare components.

Generated by a bash script. HTML written in vi. Graphics made with GIMP. Webmaster of the Twibright Labs website is Clock.