-----BEGIN SIGNED DATA----- ; ; DigiGold(tm) Gold Currency, Series 1999 ; ; Issued by DigiGold.net, Ltd., a Nevis Company ; ; Corporate Secretary ; Global Corporate and Trust Management, Ltd. ; Donegan Zetlands ; Nevis ; St. Kitts and Nevis, West Indies ; (869) 469-2680 ; (869) 469-2248 FAX ; globalct@caribsurf.com ; ; Office of the Shareholder ; Hil DeFrias ; Mello, Hollis, Jones & Martin ; Reid House, 31 Church Street ; Hamilton, HM 12, Bermuda ; (441) 292-1345 ; (441) 296-2695 FAX ; hdefrias@mhjm.bm ; [entity] entity_shortname=DigiGold entity_longname=DigiGold.net, Ltd. entity_email=digigold@hushmail.com [issue] ; ; This section identifies the Operator of the issue server, ; (the "Operator") responsible for the technical hosting/management ; of system hardware and software. ; issue_company = Systemics, Inc. ; ; Systemics, Inc. will initially function as Operator, per : Operator Contract posted at http://www.digigold.net/contracts ; hereafter referred to as the "Contract Publication URL". ; ; **Notices issued pursuant to this currency contract, such as ; changes in sub-contractor arrangements, will be published ; and maintained at the Contract Publication URL** ; ; See http://www.systemics.com/docs/ricardo/issuer/FAQ.html#issuer ; for further explanation of technical responsibilities. ; issue_email=issue@systemics.com issue_contract_url= * { http://www.digigold.net/ricardo/ } issue_type=currency [currency] currency_name=grams of gold currency_tla=AUG currency_symbol=g currency_type=decimal currency_factor=.001 ; one gram equals one thousand milligrams currency_decimal_power=3 currency_fraction=mg [conditions] conditions_backing= * { DigiGold grams of gold are payable to bearer gram for gram in e-gold, on demand, subject to the conditions specified in this currency contract. DigiGold.net, Ltd. will maintain at all times a primary reserve of e-gold in an amount greater than or equal to 25% of all DigiGold grams of gold in circulation. The remainder of the assets backing DigiGold grams of gold, hereafter referred to as the "Secondary Reserve", may be interest bearing securities, selected on the basis of safety and liquidity. If at any time high redemption demand causes the reserve ratio to approach the contractual limit, securities will be liquidated and the proceeds used to increase e-gold holdings or to retire DigiGold liabilities, or both. DigiGold.net, Ltd. reserves the right to appoint third party escrow agents who will bind themselves by contract to hold the assets backing DigiGold grams of gold on behalf of all bearers collectively, in support of this currency contract. Any such escrow contract will be published and maintained on the Contract Publication URL. DigiGold.net, Ltd. reserves the right to appoint third party investment managers who will bind themselves by contract to invest the Secondary Reserve within the limits specified by this contract. Any such investment manager contract will be published and maintained on the Contract Publication URL. } conditions_audit= * { DigiGold grams of gold are primarily backed by: - primary reserve, initially e-metal Account 105310, - Currency Manager reserve, maintained in support of primary distribution interface, initially e-metal Account 104982. The e-metal balances in these accounts are open to public inspection by use of automated query utility accessed via http://www.e-gold.com/pub-bal.asp?pubid=105310 and http://www.e-gold.com/pub-bal.asp?pubid=104982 The composition of the Secondary Reserve will also be published and maintained, initially on the DigiGold.net, Ltd. web site until such time as procedures are developed to enable reporting by independent third parties. } conditions-purchase= * { In order to obtain DigiGold grams of gold directly from DigiGold.net, Ltd., you must first submit documentation authenticating: - identity; including name, physical address, telephone number, email address, and, - secure delivery instructions; PGP key, DigiGold account identifier, and/or Hushmail address. Minimum primary distribution quantity is 1000 grams, and total quantity must be an integer multiple of 1000 grams. DigiGold.net, Ltd. reserves the right to raise or lower minimum primary distribution quantity requirements. Click a quantity of e-gold equal to the desired amount of DigiGold grams of gold to account 104982. Advise the Currency Manager of the e-gold payment reference (Batch) number. The DigiGold grams of gold will be delivered per purchaser's secure delivery instructions. } conditions_redemption = * { In order to redeem DigiGold grams of gold, you must first submit documentation authenticating identity including; name, physical address, telephone number, and email address. Minimum redemption quantity is 1000 grams, and total quantity must be an integer multiple of 1000 grams. DigiGold.net, Ltd. reserves the right to raise or lower minimum redemption quantity requirements. Send the DigiGold grams of gold in an encrypted message to the Currency Manager . Indicate the e-gold account into which redemption proceeds should be clicked. } conditions_rate = * { Issuance and redemption will be performed at no charge. } conditions_buyback = * { The Issuer reserves the right to buy back all outstanding currency, thereby terminating the use of this instrument. } conditions_liability = * { DigiGold.net, ltd. is solely liable to perform according to the conditions specified in this contract. } conditions_mint = * { Float - the total quantity of DigiGold grams of gold outstanding, whether in general circulation or held in accounts controlled by DigiGold.net, Ltd. - is created by a Mint account, specially set by the Operator. Authorization to the Operator is hereby included to specially set one Mint account for creation of DigiGold float. Disbursements from the Mint account are to be made on receipt of duly signed and public authorization from DigiGold.net, Ltd. All disbursements from the Mint account are to be made to the single Currency Comptroller account identified by the authorization. From time to time, the Currency Comptroller may direct the Currency Manager to return DigiGold grams of gold to the Mint for the express purpose of reducing the float. DigiGold grams of gold so delivered are to be deposited into the Mint account, thus reducing the float by that amount. } conditions_privacy = * { DigiGold accounts normally enjoy strong privacy. Special accounts, being the Mint account, the Currency Comptroller account, and other accounts as duly designated by DigiGold.net, Ltd. are to be made public information by the Operator. } [keys] keys_contract=' - -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- Version: 2.0.0 Comment: SOX by Systemics MIICRzCCAbACBQDG8KU3MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBAUAMG4xDjAMBgNVBAYTBU5ldmlzMRswGQYDVQQK ExJEaWdpR29sZC5uZXQsIEx0ZC4xGzAZBgNVBAsTEkJvYXJkIG9mIERpcmVjdG9yczEiMCAGA1UE AxMZRGlnaUdvbGQubmV0LCBMdGQuIElzc3VlcjAeFw05OTA4MDIxOTI1NThaFw0wMDA4MDExOTI1 NThaMGYxDjAMBgNVBAYTBU5ldmlzMRswGQYDVQQKExJEaWdpR29sZC5uZXQsIEx0ZC4xGzAZBgNV BAsTEkJvYXJkIG9mIERpcmVjdG9yczEaMBgGA1UEAxMRRGlnaUdvbGQgQVVHIHYxLjAwgZ8wDQYJ KoZIhvcNAQEBBQADgY0AMIGJAoGBAMGUlXK3oIhfCQmiuVX9mtAQX6w2w3G8axDDa8PvEL2XM6Q9 F8DJBeaSIyHKUZcZdgFLEH1zNLQuhhWRDuhw1Sjyq6DrUhGgbc17r/YFsNEHLQwrLV1y5YkWiDQO DKrNa9g1Smx/1Ok3OkxJCNpPV2PrieRgUxQ8BDs7IPPEaxU5AgMBAAEwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEEBQAD gYEAG0prl8Ks6CIlV1gLTTqrc/xPsr+muQS1YVRdl3EKcZlwBNPiB9xl1pqJNytvhnYgKe9RfVj3 Ht6lQuLFHv2Fz+/cnDN/M6mmUrgXLn+i4daGm63DZlLE0+UgTzV2gUu2yZwgxhE1C0RoBn60JGCU FFVH6sHGf7mB9EW8qoZIKac= =4Af5 - -----END CERTIFICATE----- ' keys_certification=' - -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- Version: 2.0.0 Comment: SOX by Systemics MIICTjCCAbcCBAHwpTcwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEEBQAwbjEOMAwGA1UEBhMFTmV2aXMxGzAZBgNVBAoT EkRpZ2lHb2xkLm5ldCwgTHRkLjEbMBkGA1UECxMSQm9hcmQgb2YgRGlyZWN0b3JzMSIwIAYDVQQD ExlEaWdpR29sZC5uZXQsIEx0ZC4gSXNzdWVyMB4XDTk5MDgwMjE5MjI0MVoXDTAwMDgwMTE5MjI0 MVowbjEOMAwGA1UEBhMFTmV2aXMxGzAZBgNVBAoTEkRpZ2lHb2xkLm5ldCwgTHRkLjEbMBkGA1UE CxMSQm9hcmQgb2YgRGlyZWN0b3JzMSIwIAYDVQQDExlEaWdpR29sZC5uZXQsIEx0ZC4gSXNzdWVy MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCuXE1a33gmNU5IDNl+t8f40o7Tj07cDhKaPJPe IkSVUQxDDAI+CV2flPAseDE8AYUdvYPPBGIprVR3hwHflr1NOC5NBV7YF52Jh1iahFNto1O2ndvB QYKyONgkhHls0uhmFUVot6I5fufiXGjLlIbvg5YXMeRJMSTg9t2+6H6WWwIDAQABMA0GCSqGSIb3 DQEBBAUAA4GBAG0zDv3iVxbcy0qteGkGKkGIwRyuUfPIb0NxpEgn7xkVThqaw130e7uwL2L+2vZ0 fCimC4kDvjG1o0PXWb7gXZw9Lg/IWOjtuL3k2YDuOR3f88Q6C9R6V9gzOL/YqDtFu2TqDao3fRQh YLtLsArLi927ZwMh2WmEv9lRrkRYsmB+ =zPYY - -----END CERTIFICATE----- ' keys_server_certification=' - -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- Version: 2.0.0 Comment: SOX by Systemics MIICADCCAWkCBEdIaTcwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEEBQAwRzERMA8GA1UEBhMISW50ZXJuZXQxDjAMBgNV BAoTBUhheWVrMRAwDgYDVQQLEwdBcmluc2FsMRAwDgYDVQQDEwdQcmltYXJ5MB4XDTk5MDYxNzE5 MTEwM1oXDTAwMDYxNjE5MTEwM1owRzERMA8GA1UEBhMISW50ZXJuZXQxDjAMBgNVBAoTBUhheWVr MRAwDgYDVQQLEwdBcmluc2FsMRAwDgYDVQQDEwdQcmltYXJ5MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GN ADCBiQKBgQCGhBlQj2spCFkf57fkmVpKSS3IBOjw5Tkgb9DTCbuKpuRoa9A5y/EOB60Hu5uvpsxy rwCOuBGOjqlY099e0eFZff40KaIkiuFd5t5GIzggawoRPLxhniTFYTwTpTKwGsgUBfY4DXcVjddU n4sChkjRTJnqOWOub5+qQO8RSB3ZAQIDAQABMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBAUAA4GBAGUYXnLcdip0QLLm U4OCwax//wmo6usF5EqMe+JvJfouG0dPZQuuqz/djMzLOQa3FI+sDNgFVXQLpSfyx5XaQqvYBg7J qQuJVx/z/xpqc5sbWfxldI8ykkGFbxySJm/RvOsNUD+liyRUDlyhwCEVfHDuvhkV7lIFUN/Oalqo KjpA =E9jd - -----END CERTIFICATE----- ' [signatures] -----BEGIN SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.0.0 Comment: SOX by Systemics MIGTMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBAUAA4GBAAWg3Ewr3Zy/gUsCdYwKbRYysT+wOK5m47X9HV/VsPy/+Ucr qtNg5wnlzmBAT3PMzO7YzCFPJHjo86it79KpRMdpph7CqhT1wIvoFaQKcTg2iTnarILfjTpudZj+ PAxCcGZQZoponkRrVO19ovOVEuVPD1UQFo7L9kC7OSr6Jrv9 =OQ0e -----END SIGNATURE-----