[Webfunds-users] next release

Ian Grigg iang@systemics.com
Wed Sep 22 01:08:03 1999

> whats the status on the next webfunds release? Enquiring webfunders want to know :-)

Apologies, I've been head glued to 21" for last several weeks.

I've now got a clean compile, having rewritten the contract
store to emulate the perl code.  It was needed because there
is a wierd effect with contracts where two contracts can have
the same name (like "grams of gold") and users ask for the
name as if it was one.  I spotted a problem where one contract
was asked for an another was given, or something, so I decided
to bite the bullet and sort it out.

I've also redone a lot of exception handling - but I suspect
I've only covered 20% of the code.

I'm now doing the adding/removing of accounts/subaccounts.  As
intimated, there is now a new hierarchy of account/subaccount,
which more closely matches the applications we want to do, and
also the real world in general.

As soon as I can get through the testing, I think I'll do a
non-compatible release - one that doesn't recover old cash.
This will be a nuisance, and it will only be useful for new
users and the brave, but then I can get some feedback, and work
on recovering the older cash that you all have.

Oh, yes, and source is on my list for those without accounts.
