[Webfunds-users] WebFunds/DigiGold concepts

Bob Nugent gigs@ici.net
Sun Sep 5 13:31:45 1999

> > and where would that balanace be
> > stored?  On my hard drive, or at Systemics?
> This is a tricky question.  Are you asking on legal grounds,
> on bit grounds, on cryptographic grounds, control or access,
> or what?
> The real answer is neither, the value is a shared arrangement
> between the client and the server, both have signed instructions
> supporting their view of the transaction.  In practice, we can
> answer "the balance is on the hard drive / server / Nevis / Internet"
> all depending on who is asking the question, and what model they
> have in their head.

Oh boy. Whole new concepts to look at financial/money transactions with.
This stuff sounds too too cool to me.  I don't know enough to use
the client yet, but keep the details coming. Talk about mind candy!

Bob     mailto:bob@constructiongigs.com