[Webfunds-users] it works!

E. van der Koogh vdkoogh@mediaport.org
Sun Sep 5 05:16:00 1999

> > The next question is where are the transactions stored.
> > They are on both the client and the server, which is why
> > I say that it is a shared data arrangement.  Neither side
> > asks the other what the truth is, they both know themselves.
> How centralized is it?  I notice the client connects to the server for
> almost every mouse action.  Is it possible to operate in disconnected
> mode?  I mean, I can write digigold even if I don't have enough, by just
> saying OK to the warning that I might be overdrawn.  Can I do this without
> being connected to the Internet?

This is not centralised at all. At the moment the client connects to the
server when making a payment just to synchronize the clocks. This was
just for ease of programming and will be removed at a later stage :)
This will be removed before beta is over ;)

Yes you can make a payment while not having enough digigold just like
you are able to write out a check without having enough funds in your

> > There are more sophisticated ways to manaage this problem,
> > for example the use of a blinding formula.  We don't use
> > it here and now, mostly for architectural reasons (and
> > also partly for business reasons like the cost of the
> > patents).
> What patents?

Ian is referring to the DigiGold patents I assume.
It's a scheme to withdrawn so-called "coins" from your issuer. It's set
up so that the issuer does not know from what account the coins are paid
for, giving more anonymity then SOX, the protocol you are using at the
moment :)

[snip political stuff..]

