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Currency Systems
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National Currency Systems

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Benefits of the national currency model

National currencies

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How national money is issued

National currencies

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National currency is measured in US$.

By virtue of the treaty signed after World War II at Bretton-Woods, New Hampshire (U.S.A.), all national currencies are mediated through the U.S. dollar. The agreement followed negotiations primarily between the United States and Britain, and provided for the convertibility of U.S. dollars into gold. In August of 1971, U.S. President Richard Nixon unilaterally reneged on the dollar-gold equivalence standard by "closing the gold window" when France and the United Kingdom requested such redemptions, inaugurating the current era of "floating" exchanges in which the values of each currency and of gold are determined autonomously by market forces.

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National currency exchanges are negotiable.

Participants may negotiate the amount of national currency to be exchanged in any particular transaction: One hour of a service requiring extensive training, skill, and experience, or expensive equipment, or posing high risk, may justifiably be worth several hours of less demanding work.

By leaving it to the negotiating parties to settle on a price, one solves the problem of having to pre-determine the value of everyone's time and goods, as was attempted unsuccessfully under the Soviet planning system. Outside of very narrowly defined communities where it is generally accepted that everyone's time has equal value (retirement homes, for example, where Time Dollars are very popular), systems enforcing a certain exchange rate for everyone's time will chase away those people who are exceptionally talented, thorough, efficient and/or hardworking, by not providing reasonable value for their service.

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Structural incentives in the national currency system

National currencies bear interest:

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How the national currency systems manage global money:

Each country has a Central Bank which regulates that nation's money supply. Central Banks may be privately-owned, government-owned, or of mixed private and public ownership. Global coordination occurs primarily through the Bank for International Settlements for the top 10 +1 Central Banks; and through the International Monetary Fund for the system as a whole.


Central Banks

e.g., the U.S. Federal Reserve, Deutsche Bundesbank

Central Banks

e.g., Belgium, Japan

Central Banks

e.g., France, U.K., China


Bank for International Settlements (BIS),
Basle, Switzerland

owned by 10+1 Key Central Banks

(private, neutral meeting ground)

International Monetary Fund (IMF),
Washington D.C., U.S.A.

political enforcement system

(public policy mechanism)


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Related Resources

You're also invited to take a look at how national currencies compare with other exchange media, or register and join our discussion of national currencies in The Money Conference.

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The Money Conference

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How Money Systems Work Publications Payment Methods Glossary of Terms The Money Conference