- a new solution to the data storage and recovery problem?


Abstract: Eternity Service is a new attitude to the way of managing data. By using many servers all over the world that are interconnected with Internet we can achieve very high reliability of storage. The purpose of this project is to verify, whether our approach to the problem has a chance to succeed.

We are students of the faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Charles University in Prague. This page is dedicated to the project of Eternity Service, whose goal is to implement an idea that originally came from Ross Anderson.

We want to introduce a new way of creating, storing and handling copies of data of high importance - the Eternity service - with a very high degree of reliability. The Eternity service should be resistant not only to usual threats such as natural disasters and vandals, but also to political or court decisions, religious leader orders, activities of secret services and so on.


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  Eternity Service

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