Why smbXML matters                      home
for the VB developer, XML developer, and accountant:

05/17/2000 SMBXML schema for accounting alt.accounting Todd Boyle
05/15/2000 SMBXML schema for accounting comp.lang.basic.visual toddboyle
05/14/2000 SMBXML - Small & Midsized Bu comp.text.xml Todd Boyle
SMBXML version 1 is found at www.smbxml.org.  It consists of two DTDs (doc. type 
definitions which dictate what can be put into the XML file.)

The first DTD (smbObjects_1_00.dtd) you might regard as "Actions" or "Control messages".  
Its structures include a Heading in which you must indicate whether this is 
a request or response, and who the parties in this XML conversation.  Then
you can enclose instructions to Add, Delete, Modify, Reconcile, Replace etc. 

The second DTD contains the definitions of all the fields inside every
type of record handled by the NetLedger accounting system, i.e.

Account                   Delete               PurchaseOrder
Ack                       Deposit              Reconcile
Add                       DepositItem          Request
Bill                      DiscountItem         ResaleNonInventoryItem
BillReference             Employee             ResaleOtherCharge
CashSale                  Error                ResaleServiceItem
CashSaleReference         ExpenseCategory      Response
Check                     ExpenseItem          Retry
Class                     ExpenseReport        SalesTaxItem
CreditCardPurchase        From                 ServiceItem
CreditMemo                Head                 ShipMethod
CreditMemoReference       InventoryItem        SignUp
Customer                  JournalEntry         SMBXML
CustomerEstimate          JournalItem          Terms
CustomerInvoice           LastModifiedQuery    TimeTracking
CustomerInvoiceItem       LastModifiedResponse TimeTrackReference
CustomerInvoiceReference  ListQuery            To
CustomerJob               ListResponse         TranExpense
CustomerMsg               Mod                  TranExpReference
CustomerPayment           Modify               TranItemReference
CustomerPaymentReference  NonInventoryItem     TransactionQuery
CustomerRefund            OtherChargeItem      TransactionResponse
CustomerRefundReference   OtherName            Transfer
CustomerType              PaymentItem          Vendor
                          PurchaseItem         VendorCredit

In other words you have a complete XML programmatic interface to everything
that is possible to perform thru the manual user interface.


Subject: XML schema for small business accounting
Date: 05/15/2000     alt.accounting
Author: Todd Boyle <tboyle@NoSMAProsehill.net>
NetLedger has released a whole new set of XML schemas for A2A (application to application) integration and ecommerce, over the internet. It is called smbXML, Small and Midsized Business XML. See them at
You're not gonna believe this, but NetLedger has apparently built XML interfaces.  These new interfaces will allow users to send and receive every kind of transaction that can exist in NetLedger,
to their accounting system on the server.
This includes the usual purchase order, invoice, bill payment, etc. simpler than Ariba cXML, Commerce One xCBL, BASDA, etc. but it also has many more including the general journal, as well as methods to invoke all kinds of edits and updates on lists and transactions.
This is huge. 
They say they're going to stream these XML over HTTP or middleware with their partners *and users*.  In other words you will be able to click into an upload or download screen and send an unlimited number of rows of transactions in a single transmission. This will be later in 2000.
There isn't any other General Ledger or general accounting provider besides NetLedger that has anything resembling open XML interfaces.  Not for $5/month or $500/month.  Nobody.  No Desktop vendors on Drive C: and no Client/Server vendors on the LAN.
This is priceless, for other internet BSP (business service providers) who are best of breed in their category but don't have a completely integrated general ledger solution.  Here read this
Here are the best component BSPs I have been able to find:
SMBXML is going to be valuable for users. We can choose best of breed providers other than NetLedger for billing, payroll, web storefront, timesheet, and fifty other things and NetLedger will still be happy to maintain your general ledger.  How refreshing!  And what a contrast from all the rest of the accounting software industry which tries to lock in their customers, block out other vendors' addons, etc.
When you conduct business on the other BSPs websites it will be submitted to your accounting system for review and posting. No more duplicate work.  The NetLedger would provide the Ar, AP, and other types of accounting back end services and let the BEST OF BREED be good at what they are good at!
This is also of immediate importance to every user who has been worried about getting their data *into* NetLedger, or *out* of NetLedger for backup, or in case they change to a different platform. You can literally download every bit of data to the worlds most open and portable data language, XML.
For those of you who have been studying the emergence of webledgers on the internet, there have always been a number of concerns. 
  • FUNCTIONALITY - whoa this thing is spartan.
  • SCALABILITY - what is the upgrade story when my enterprise grows? 
  • PLATFORM - this is just a service!  can I buy the software?
  • BUSINESS MODEL - how does the CPA, accountant or bookkeeper make a buck? 
  • COST - hmmmm including DSL connection, that's how much?
  • JOURNAL BUS - can we send POs, journal entries, etc. 3rd party companies? 
  • SOLE SOURCE - whoops, sounds like a service bureau...
  • LOCK-IN PROBLEM - can we exit or can we not. That is the question. 
  • THE INCREMENTAL PROBLEM - this is all-or-none? Can't I run as subledger? 
  • TRUST - who are you audited by, certified by, etc?
  • SECURITY - what vendor provides your security and who certifies it? 
  • AVAILABILITY - guaranteed how many hours a month?
  • OFFLINE - are you saying this CAN'T be run offline and then reconnected? 
  • CARRIER - my carrier is USWest DSL--no QOS.  Does your carrier guarantee QOS? 
  • DATA PURGE - are you going to purge me on Jan 15th? can I keep 3 years open? 
  • GUARANTEED EXPUNGEMENT - can you purge *every bit*, every month if requested?
  • GUARANTEED ARCHIVE - can you retain audit trail 3,4,5 years if requested?
  • SERVICES AVAILABLE TODAY - ok. tell me your integration partners. 
  • CUSTOMIZATION - you mean, there isn't ANY customization?
  • TRANSACTION INTEGRITY - what is your RDBMS?   TP monitor?
  • TRANSPORT INTEGRITY - what is your Message Queue, middleware, etc?  
  • LOCAL SITE INTEGRATION - can software developers connect with the webledger? 
  • MULTICOMPANY ROLLUP: We have 50 branches.  what is your rollup story? 
  • EXPERTISE/CERTIFICATION - tell me your employees' industry credentials 
  • AUDIT TRAIL - plain ol' audit trail of what the login user has done? 
  • EDIT OF PREVIOUSLY ENTERED TRANSACTIONS - do you accommodate this or not? 
  • CPA's DASHBOARD - do you provide management screen for multiple companies? 
  • META REGISTRIES - what is your story for eCo, ebXML etc registry/repository? 
  • AUTOMATED SETUP - can 3rd parties setup a company with an XML submission?

Approximately 98% of these problems are going to sort themselves out, for any webledger vendor who adopts a posture of open interfaces.  Any problem not solved by the vendor themselves is going to be solved pretty quickly by 3rd party services.

Here are some counts:

114 occurrences of <!ENTITY %
78  occurrences of <!ELEMENT  --these define the documents, and                                     and various requests.
73  occurrences of <!ATTLIST -- you can see most elements have attribs. 116  #REQUIRED attributes  --attributes contain all the parameters etc. 279  #IMPLIED attributes      inside the documents, records etc.
It looks like they're going to contribute the schemas to the typical 'org' to include third party vendors, and make it into an open standard. The license text already basically says the whole wide world can use the schemas.  
This is the beginning of the end, of the age of lock-in and standalone desktop accounting systems and good riddance,
--I will go further and say, SMBXML is revolutionary.
SMBXML enables geodesic commerce, in which people can send and receive business transactions *OUTSIDE* of any hub and spoke such as a trading hub, bank, auction site, etc.
This is a subtle difference: the *business content* is where freedom is, not owning the software on your disk, or owning the website.
XML provides a language for description of any kind of purchase, sale, service, etc.  There will always be software
and service providers to process these, as soon as there is a lingua franca (XML vocabulary and semantics). 
An XML standard for small business the only way you're ever going to get geodesic commerce.  Geodesic commerce is possible as soon as you have a webledger hub that allows subscribers to post transactions to each other.  At that point the existence of the webledger hub is just as irrelevant from a business perspective, as the fact your IP packets went thru MAE West hub.
In concrete terms, you now have a geodesic commerce on the hub at NetLedger, because nobody except you and your trading partner examines the contents of the transaction, or charges a percentage, etc.  NetLedger now becomes an eHub on steroids because its got the power and the scalability for millions of users, and it has mechanisms both the seller and buyer to manage and synchronize their accounts payable and accounts receivable.  You can't even get THAT on the Ariba, Commerce ONe and other big B2B hubs. And of course, those hubs have huge 10 billion market capitalization because they're building huge lockin communities that they can extract rents from, in future years.
NOW, do you understand why smbXML is important? 
* Todd F. Boyle CPA    http://www.GLDialtone.com/
* tboyle@rosehill.net    Kirkland WA    (425) 827-3107
* XML accounting, WebLedgers, ASPs, GL dialtone, whatever it takes


Subject: SMBXML schema for accounting platform
Date: 05/15/2000         comp.lang.basic.visual.misc
Author: toddboyle <tboyle@NoSMAProsehill.net>
NetLedger.com is an accounting system that runs over the internet. Maybe some of you developers will find this interesting.  NetLedger is releasing a whole new set of XML schemas for A2A (application to application) integration and ecommerce, over the internet. It is called smbXML, XML for small /midsized Businesses. Look at their release at http://www.smbxml.org 
This is a reasonably complete set of schemas for interfacing between the modules of low-end accounting and business systems.
This includes the usual purchase order, invoice, bill payment, etc. similar to Ariba cXML, Commerce One xCBL, BASDA, etc. but it also has many more including the general journal, as well as methods to invoke all kinds of edits and updates on lists and transactions. wheee! For example,
<!-- Create Journal Entry.  Basic General Journal Entry
NOTE:  All Journal Entries must balance. -->
<Add req_id="T22" external_id="JE9912-54"> <JournalEntry date="12/31/1999" tran_id="1001">   <JournalItem account="6352 Payroll:Fees" entry_type="debit" amount="18.50"
      memo="12/31 P/R" line_num="1"/>
  <JournalItem account="6354 Payroll:Salary/Wages" entry_type="debit" amount="648.00"
  memo="12/31 P/R" line_num="2"/>
  <JournalItem account="6356 Payroll:Taxes" entry_type="debit" amount="80.70"
  memo="12/31 P/R" line_num="3"/>
  <JournalItem account="1000 Checking--Central Internet Bank" entry_type="credit"
  amount="747.20" memo="12/31 P/R" line_num="4"/> </JournalEntry>
You're not going to believe this, but NetLedger has actually built these XML interfaces.  (Their service costs $5/month) These new interfaces will allow users to send and receive every kind of transaction that exists in their accounting system to/from the server.  I have been predicting that they would be the first webledger with open
They say they're going to stream these XML over HTTP or middleware with their partners *and users*.  In other words you will be able to click into an upload or download screen and send an unlimited number of rows of transactions in a single transmission.
There isn't any other General Ledger or general accounting provider besides NetLedger that has anything resembling this open XML interface, not for $5/month or $500/month.
This is priceless, for all of the internet BSP (business service provider) who doesn't have a complete integrated solution. It enables any collection of BSPs to form up and integrate with each other and with a General Ledger back end.
VB developers, Delphi, perl jockeys, Foxpro, will find the webledger architecture quite compelling once you take a look at it. I've been reporting on this for several years an maintain an info website on webledger http://www.gldialtone.com    What this lets you do is compete right along side the biggest vendors on earth, with your own little peashooter application simply by creating it as a module of the webledger.
Let's say your VB program generates sales of some kind.  If you push Accounts Receivable up to the webledger, they can be billed and collected electronically, and maintained in an integrated ledger with the rest of the company's receivables and sales. this is a level playing field folks.  You can query the Webledger for customer list. You have a customer and vendor list in the sky.  Or, you can maintain the master customer list and make NetLedger the slave.  It's all up to you, and the platform vendor isn't going to break your software, or pull some lock-in trick.
Device people, WAP developers, cash register vendors, are going to have a field day with this.  You can shoot XML transactions all day long or upload them in a batch at end of day.
Small business users will be able to choose best of breed providers for their particular needs, for billing, payroll, web storefront, timesheet, and fifty other things--- and NetLedger will be willing to maintain your general ledger.  When you conduct business on the other website it will be submitted to your accounting system for review and posting. You can potentially avoid most duplication of work. Here are some dotcoms: http://www.gldialtone.com/links.htm#bsps
This is also of immediate importance to every user who has been worried about getting their data *into* NetLedger, or *out* of NetLedger for backup, or in case they change to a different platform. You can literally download every bit of data, using the worlds most open and portable data language, XML.
Here are the counts:
114 occurrences of <!ENTITY %
78  occurrences of <!ELEMENT  --these define the documents, and                                     and various requests.
73  occurrences of <!ATTLIST -- you can see most elements hav attribs. 116  #REQUIRED attributes  --attributes contain all the parameters etc. 279  #IMPLIED attributes      inside the documents, records etc.
It looks like they're going to contribute the schemas to the typical 'org' to include third party vendors, and make it into an open standard. The license text already basically says the whole wide world can use the schemas.  Wow... good work guys!
This is the beginning of the end, of the age of lock-in and standalone desktop accounting systems and good riddance,
* Todd F. Boyle CPA    http://www.GLDialtone.com/
* tboyle@rosehill.net    Kirkland WA    (425) 827-3107
* XML accounting, WebLedgers, ASPs, GL dialtone, whatever it takes


Subject: SMBXML - Small & Midsized Business XML
Date: 05/14/2000         comp.text.xml
Author: Todd Boyle <tboyle@NoSMAProsehill.net>
NetLedger.com is releasing a whole new set of XML schemas for A2A (application to application) integration and ecommerce, over the internet. It is called smbXML, Small and Midsized Business XML. Look at their release at http://www.smbxml.org
This includes the usual purchase order, invoice, bill payment, etc. similar to Ariba cXML, Commerce One xCBL, BASDA, etc. but it also has many more including the general journal, as well as methods to invoke all kinds of edits and updates on lists and transactions. wheee!
You're not gonna believe this, but NetLedger has already built the XML interfaces.  These new interfaces will allow users to send and receive every kind of transaction that can exist in NetLedger,
to their accounting system on the server.  I have been predicting that they would be the first webledger with open interfaces.
They say they're going to stream these XML over HTTP or middleware with their partners *and users*.  In other words you will be able to click into an upload or download screen and send an unlimited number of rows of transactions in a single transmission.
There isn't any other General Ledger or general accounting provider besides NetLedger that has anything resembling open XML interfaces.  Not for $5/month or $500/month.  Nobody.  No Desktop vendors on Drive C: and no Client/Server vendors on the LAN.
This is priceless, for every other internet BSP (business service provider) who doesn't have a complete integrated solution. It enables any collection of BSPs to form up and integrate with each other and with a Geenral Ledger back end. 
This is huge for device people, cash register vendors, you name it. They can shoot XML transactions all day long or upload them in a batch at end of day.
And priceless for users. We can choose best of breed providers other than NetLedger for your billing, payroll, web storefront, timesheet, and fifty other things and NetLedger will be happy to maintain your general ledger.  When you conduct business on the other website it will be submitted to your accounting system for review and posting. No more duplicate work.  This *proves* they're not trying to build a lock-in portal.
This is also of immediate importance to every user who has been worried about getting their data *into* NetLedger, or *out* of NetLedger for backup, or in case they change to a different platform. You can literally download every bit of data, using the worlds most open and portable data language, XML.

For those of you who have been studying the emergence of webledgers on the internet, there have always been a number of concerns. 

  • FUNCTIONALITY - whoa this thing is spartan.
  • SCALABILITY - what is the upgrade story when my enterprise grows? 
  • PLATFORM - this is just a service!  can I buy the software?
  • BUSINESS MODEL - how does the CPA, accountant or bookkeeper make a buck? 
  • COST - hmmmm including DSL connection, that's how much?
  • JOURNAL BUS - can we send POs, journal entries, etc. 3rd party companies? 
  • SOLE SOURCE - whoops, sounds like a service bureau...
  • LOCK-IN PROBLEM - can we exit or can we not. That is the question. 
  • THE INCREMENTAL PROBLEM - this is all-or-none? Can't I run as subledger? 
  • TRUST - who are you audited by, certified by, etc?
  • SECURITY - what vendor provides your security and who certifies it? 
  • AVAILABILITY - guaranteed how many hours a month?
  • OFFLINE - are you saying this CAN'T be run offline and then reconnected? 
  • CARRIER - my carrier is USWest DSL--no QOS.  Does your carrier guarantee QOS? 
  • DATA PURGE - are you going to purge me on Jan 15th? can I keep 3 years open? 
  • GUARANTEED EXPUNGEMENT - can you purge *every bit*, every month if requested?
  • GUARANTEED ARCHIVE - can you retain audit trail 3,4,5 years if requested?
  • SERVICES AVAILABLE TODAY - ok. tell me your integration partners. 
  • CUSTOMIZATION - you mean, there isn't ANY customization?
  • TRANSACTION INTEGRITY - what is your RDBMS?   TP monitor?
  • TRANSPORT INTEGRITY - what is your Message Queue, middleware, etc?  
  • LOCAL SITE INTEGRATION - can software developers connect with the webledger? 
  • MULTICOMPANY ROLLUP: We have 50 branches.  what is your rollup story? 
  • EXPERTISE/CERTIFICATION - tell me your employees' industry credentials 
  • AUDIT TRAIL - plain ol' audit trail of what the login user has done? 
  • EDIT OF PREVIOUSLY ENTERED TRANSACTIONS - do you accommodate this or not? 
  • CPA's DASHBOARD - do you provide management screen for multiple companies? 
  • META REGISTRIES - what is your story for eCo, ebXML etc registry/repository? 
  • AUTOMATED SETUP - can 3rd parties setup a company with an XML submission?

Approximately 98% of these problems are going to sort themselves out, for any webledger vendor who adopts a posture of open interfaces.  Any problem not solved by the vendor themselves is going to be solved pretty quickly by 3rd party services.

Here are the counts:
114 occurrences of <!ENTITY %
78  occurrences of <!ELEMENT  --these define the documents, and                                     and various requests.
73  occurrences of <!ATTLIST -- you can see most elements hav attribs. 116  #REQUIRED attributes  --attributes contain all the parameters etc. 279  #IMPLIED attributes      inside the documents, records etc.
It looks like they're going to contribute the shemas to the typical 'org' to include third party vendors, and make it into an open standard. The license text already basically says the whole wide world can use the schemas.  Wow... good work guys!
This is the beginning of the end, of the age of lock-in and standalone desktop accounting systems and good riddance,
* Todd F. Boyle CPA    http://www.GLDialtone.com/
* tboyle@rosehill.net    Kirkland WA    (425) 827-3107
* XML accounting, WebLedgers, ASPs, GL dialtone, whatever it takes