Version .84xDim - 27 May 2001 CHANGES IN AGGREGATE ELEMENTS (OBJECTS) - the "Money" object is renamed to become "Amount" to conform with ebXML naming - the "Money" object is expanded to provide a third element, "qualifier". This is a string. This accommodates OAGIS and it enables many diverse uses. The initial allowable values are "actual" and "original" i.e. stated in base currency and original or foreign currency. - the "Account" object is dropped. The account element becomes a "Code" type. - within the "Code" class, two new elements are added: "version" is to conform with ebXML "code list version identifier" "language" is to conform with ebXML "code language code" (ISO 639) "parent" enables expression of hierarchy within a scheme of "Code" entities. "balance" enables expression of monetary total i.e. balance information within dimensions such as account, party receivables, department, etc. "balance" is an arapXML:Money object. - within the "Code" class, changes in naming are suggested: "codeListUri" becomes "codeListSchemaURI" an XML schema specifying the data format of the underlying records in the code list. "getRecordUri" becomes "codeListDataURI" an RFC 2396 URI complete with query syntactic component sufficient to return a record. - the "Quantity" object is added, as a container for "quantity" in decimal, "Code", "CodeText", and "codeListDataURI" same as in "Code" object. "quantity" is the number of non-monetary units... this brings us closer to conformance with ebXML Core Components for "Quantity.type". ebXML suggests that applications use UN/ECE recomm. 20 or X12-355 codes. - the "Measure" object is added, as a container for "measure" in decimal, "Code", "CodeText", and "codeListDataURI" same as in "Code" object. "measure" is the size, volume, mass, etc. by physical measure... This brings us closer to conformance with ebXML Core Components for "Quantity.type". ebXML suggests that applications use UN/ECE recomm. 20 or X12-355 codes. CHANGES IN TRANSACTIONSET CHANGES IN TRANSACTION CHANGES IN ENTRY - "originalAmount" element is deleted. - "amount" element now allows more than one instance. (Note above, that the Amount object now supports a "qualifier", such as "actual" and "original".) - "unitsOfMeasure" is dumped to conform with ebXML Quantity and Measures objects. - "quantity" is renamed "productQuantity" because the new type Quantity contains the element "quantity". - "productMeasure" is added to conform with ebXML "measure" object. It is a necessary distinction that quantity is an independent from measure, e.g. 100 units of 12-inch pipe, or 6 reams of A4 paper. If you're going to support product and counts then, you need both quantity and measure. CORRECTION IN ENTRY - "tax" element is added. recurs unbounded. This was introduced in version .81 changeLog but was omitted from the XSD in error. One or more sales or VAT tax codes is nearly universal in 3rd party transactions. It may be a function of other things in the schema such as party location or implicitly known by company location, but quite often the code is burned into the row at creation, and/or subject to later correction.