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The Mechanical Construction of Ronja 115 Loopipe

I'm working on this just now. There are only the bare schematics here, the comments should be added slightly later.

Mechanical mouting options

Where can be adjustment done?

Mechanical assembly of the electronics


The original glass lenses I used in my prototype were 88.6mm diameter, 205mm focal length glass lenses taken out from a magnifying glass bought in an ordinary shop. The manufacturer is signed as "Baloon" and the glass has been manufactured in China. You can use any other similar lens, but the bigger the better. If you exceed the 90mm dia too much ,you would have to use a larger pipe. But I wish you to exceed the 90mm much :-) If you have something smaller, the lens holders must be longer. This is about the glasses for the Ronja 115 Loopipe.


It's a pretty thing. If you omit the anti-sun measures, your house is gonna end in flames! So the aluminium foil in Ronja 115 Loopipe is absolutely necessary! Otherwise the sun's image will burn through the wall of the pipe and possibly set the device on fire. The hood serves as a sun and moisture shield. In suitable conditions, where sun doesn't shine in critical angles into the pipe, it is possible to omit the hood (consume less PVC material) and glue an A4 sheet of hard foil (from stationery shop) with corners trimmed. This will work only against a rain, not against the sun. If you get black foil instead of transparent, it will work also against sun.


If you are placing the electronics outdoors, place the boxes into a plastic bag and use stotch tape to seal the bag around the cables. This will prevent water and moisture from flooding the electronics and causing it to cease working. Drying up the electronics in case of accident should resume normal operation.

It is also recommended to cover the rear end of the tube with some non-inflammable (there are concentrated sun rays), non-reflective substance like tin or metal foil. The foil must not tear otherwise parts of it could short out the power of the preamplifier or short out the transmitter. This prevens wind from going directly through the pipe and taking drops of water with itself. Or you may use also some fine metallic net or perforated tin.

Ronja 115 Loopipe is not resistant to moisture. Condensing water on optics drastically derates the Bit Error Rate so the link (if run for the maximum distance especially) will get unusably unreliable.

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